Me vs. Me

By: Rares Judele | IG: @raresjudele

I am currently a senior at WHS and I'm on the tennis team. I joined Morgan’s Message Ambassador team so that I can help bring awareness to mental health struggles in student athletes, especially student athletes. I want to share my heartfelt testimonial about my journey through mental health struggles. Each step has been a challenging but necessary part of my growth, and I hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire and support others who are facing similar difficulties.

1. The Dark Days: I vividly remember the dark days when my mental health struggles first began. It felt like I was trapped in a never-ending storm, with no way out. Anxiety and depression were my constant companions, and they made even the simplest tasks seem insurmountable.
2. Seeking Help: Admitting I needed help was a significant turning point. It took a lot of courage, but reaching out to a therapist and confiding in loved ones was the first step towards healing. They provided the support and understanding I desperately needed.
3. Support System: My family and friends were my pillars of strength. They didn't always understand what I was going through, but their unwavering support meant the world to me. Their presence during the darkest moments reminded me that I was never truly alone in my struggle.
4. Lifestyle Changes: I realized that my lifestyle played a crucial role in my mental health. Incorporating regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness practices like meditation helped me regain control over my life and my emotions.
5. Relapses and Resilience: My journey was not without setbacks. There were times when I felt like I was back at square one. But these relapses taught me resilience. I learned to view them as opportunities for growth, not as failures.
6. Finding Purpose: As I continued to heal, I discovered a newfound sense of purpose. My experiences led me to want to help others who were going through similar struggles. I found fulfillment in advocating for mental health awareness and support.
7. Today: Today, I can proudly say that I am in a much better place mentally. While the journey was difficult, it was worth it. I've learned that mental health is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to ask for help when needed.
8. Hope for the Future: My message to anyone struggling with mental health is this: there is hope. Your journey may be filled with challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and healing. You are stronger than you think, and there is a brighter future waiting for you.

Remember, you are not alone, and your story matters. Together, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a more compassionate and understanding world for all.


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