You Are Enough

By: Kayla Robinson | IG: @kaylarobins0n

In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, and it being 4 years to this day that I had my own darkest moment, I want to recognize how proud I am of myself to overcome what I went through. I'm proud of the broken road that got me here. I am proud of the strength that got me here. I am proud of the hard work, time and effort that I poured into me to get here. They always tell you it gets better, but I'm here alive and well to tell you that it does. It’s been a nonstop growing process every day and I wouldn’t change anything about it. Growing and healing is a part of life, and although it took me unfortunate circumstances to figure that out, I have come to see that there is beauty in the struggle. I wouldn’t be here without the love and the support of people around me, and the strength that I carry every single day. If you’re reading this and you are struggling or in a dark place, and you don’t see a way out, I’m living proof to tell you IT GETS BETTER. The only way out is through. You are loved, and you matter so don’t ever lose sight of that.


Sunset Survivor.


Ray of Hope