Episode 93 - Betsy Brenner

#93: This week we are joined by Betsy Brenner on The Mental Matchup. Betsy grew up in western NY and currently resides outside of Providence, RI. She is an author, speaker, and mentor who opens up about her journey with an eating disorder and ultimately helps others with their recovery process by sharing her own story. Betsy’s memoir, The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Mid-Life, is an incredible message and her openness helps normalize the idea that eating disorders can happen to anyone at any time and that it’s never too late to begin the journey to recovery. Throughout the episode, Betsy also talks with Kat about dealing with her parents’ challenging divorce, the pressures of being a student-athlete and her identity being tied to a sport. We are so grateful to have Betsy join us this week! TW: This episode talks about disordered eating, anxiety, and depression


Episode 94 - Leah Jantzen


Episode 92 - Caitlin Beacom