Episode 26 - Hayden Gruber

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This week’s episode of The Mental Matchup is a conversation with Hayden Gruber. Hayden grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia and attended Friends' Central School, where he played soccer and baseball, before moving to Boston to play Division III baseball at Tufts University. Hayden graduated from Tufts in 2018 and now lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts where he works as a life sciences and biopharmaceutical consultant. A series of severe injuries in high school took a toll on Hayden's mental health, as he had to relearn to play the sports he loved, and deal with the intense frustration associated with working hard to get healthy, only to get reinjured. Luckily, Hayden had some amazing coaches, friends, and family as a support system. He went on to play collegiate baseball at Tufts, where he dealt with more injuries (breaking his jaw from a wild pitch) and other challenges, but he was able to persevere. Hayden shares the difficult emotions and experiences associated with his injuries, along with the things that enabled him to get through those times, and what he learned in the process.

Morgan's Message, The Mental Matchup Podcast, Episode 26 - Hayden Gruber

Episode 27 - Coach P


Bonus Episode 2 - Amanda McGrew and Playoff the Dating App